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Creates a Regional Hydraulic Dimension graph for the regions provided for the specified dimension.



region_graph(regions, dimension_types)



character; A vector of region names that will be displayed on the graph. For a complete list of regions, see levels(regional_curve$region_name) RegionalCurve::regional_curve$region_name.


character; A vector of dimension types: "area", "depth", "width", "discharge"


A ggplot object.


Creates a regional hydraulic dimension graph styled using conventions that have emerged in the fluvial geomorphic literature:

  • Drainage Area as the independent variable on the x-axis. Units are expressed in imperial units (square miles).

  • Hydraulic dimensions (i.e., width, depth, cross sectional area, discharge) as the dependent variables on the y-axis. Units are expressed in imperial units(i.e, width: feet, depth: feet, cross sectional area: square feet, discharge: cubic feet per second).

  • Dependent variables (y-axes) are stacked over the dependent variable (x-axis).

  • Both axes on log scale (aka "log-log graph").

See also

Other visualizations: region_dimension_graph()


regions = c("Minnesota Eastern", "Minnesota Western")
dimension_types = c("width", "depth", "area")
region_graph(regions, dimension_types)