Converted all functions to tmap version 4 (well, v3.99).
Discovered that the
function now no longer works reliably (see issue #91).
Removed all remaining dependencies on the ESRI arcgisbinding
R package as many of its primary IO functions are no longer reliably working. Removed remaining functions that relied on
or arc.write
replaced by gdb_raster2SpatRast
replaced by fc2fs
Discovered that the GDAL v3.7+ OpenFileGDB driver can now read rasters.
The terra
package for rasters is currently bundled with > GDAL 3.7
> terra::gdal()
[1] "3.9.3"
>terra::gdal(drivers = TRUE) |> filter(name == 'OpenFileGDB')
name raster vector can vsi
1 OpenFileGDB TRUE TRUE read/write TRUE ESRI FileGDB
function into two functions, each specialized for either L1 or L2 reports. These figures were made more compact to ensure they fit on a single page.xs_compare_plot_L1
and xs_compare_plot_L2
functions to be more compact.table_xs_dimensions
that returns a gtable
object of hydraulic dimensions for a cross section.level_1_report_b
to enable a modification of the level 1 workflow and improve cross section figures.fig_xs_profiles
figure to more compactly represent individual cross section maps and their plots.map_xs
function to map the channel
and floodplain
polygons instead of the banklines
line feature class.xs_compare_plot_L1
function to support filtering of cross section station locations to either all, floodplain, or channel.xs_geometry
previously calculated the maximum cross section depth and was changed to calculate the mean depth of each cross section. This change was made to better align with the hydraulic geometry literature.slope_sinuosity
function to optionally smooth the flowline_points
z-elevations. As the quality of LiDAR data collection continually increases, there is less need to smooth longitudinal profile z-elevations.sp
package ahead of its decommissioning in favor of the R package sf
. This included converting all package data, tests, checks, and documentation.rgdal
to address issues with the Level 1 Reports failing. See Issue 26
get_tiles function to address ceramic
display issues for background elevation imagery in reports. See Issue 20
get_tiles function to address ceramic
display issues for aerial imagery in reports. See Issue 20
function to write sf
and sp
objects to a file geodatabase table.Discovered that arcgisbinding::arc.write
frequently fails writing feature classes to a geodatabase. “Wild caught” file geodatabase feature classes produced by the FluvialGeomorph-toolbox
when converted to sp
or sf
inside fluvgeo
frequently fail to create a valid feature class (i.e., missing geometry, no coordinate system) when saved to a file geodatabase using arc.write
This behavior is described in the arcgisbinding
issues listed below. These outstanding issues identify and generally discuss the problems, but provide no fix or clear workaround guidance.
The workarounds identified in these issues were implemented in the sp2arc
and sf2arc
functions. No combination of these suggestions were able to produce a reliable workaround.
Since no comprehensive solution is currently being provided for these issues in arc.write
, we have chosen to minimize our exposure. We have decided to only write table data back to the file geodatabase.
If the arcgisbinging
team addresses these issues, we may choose to go back to trusting the writing of file geodatabase feature classes using arc.write
failure to comprehensively handle coordinate reference system conversions between ESRI-GDAL-ESRI. The workaround is to require the user to read and write geodatabase (GDB) feature classes into a feature dataset. The feature dataset then enforces the coordinate reference system.arcgisbinding
recommendation to handle coordinate reference system conversions between ESRI-GDAL/PROJ6-ESRI using the arc.write()
method does not work, Issue 38.arcgisbinding
issue 26 & 38) ([].xs_metrics_report
to the Level 1 and Estimate Bankfull reports.map_xs
optional to support its use in the Level 1 report and the Estimate Bankfull report before banklines are created.esri_raster2RasterLayer
function to standardize raster retrieval.xs_compare_plot_L1
into the plot area to be consistent with the level 2 plots.xs_compare_plot_*
to more clearly communicate the orientation of the cross section.map_xs
function to accept a raster::RasterLayer
so that the site DEM is only loaded once rather than being loaded each time the map_xs
function is called.xs_metrics_plot_L1
, xs_metrics_plot_L2
, compare_xs_long_profile
, xs_long_profile
, xs_profile_plot
, map_reach_metric
, xs_metric_plot
function to use aerial photos and coarse-scale elevation from Mapbox. This functionality is provided by the ceramic
R package. Use of Mapbox requires an API key to access a relatively generous free tier of mapping services.map_reach_overview
to use the ceramic
R package to retrieve Mapbox aerial photos and coarse-scale elevation in place of the broken tmaptools::read_osm
function now handles inputs in different coordinate systems. It does this by reprojecting all inputs to match the dem.flowline_metrics
function that plots Level 1 metrics.map_xs
function is called in a report.xs_metrics_report
.Level 2 Report
for the Level 2 Report that only displays xs metrics complete at Level 2.sf
objects in addition to sp
objects. sf` R package for spatial data.